Philadelphia 76ers 2010/2011

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 posté par Philly thing : 
A night after turning the ball over just nine times against the New Jersey Nets, the Sixers had their 10th giveaway by early in the second quarter and finished the game with 22. In fact, they had double-digit turnovers before they had double-digit points.

When it was mercifully over, Boston had whipped the Sixers to the tune of 93-65.

Boston limited the Sixers to five field goals (on 31 attempts) in building a 49-22 lead at the break. After that, it was pretty much what you'd expect in the second half of a preseason blowout.

"When they're on their game, they're the best defensive team in the NBA," Collins said of the Celtics. "That's a very experienced team and they do a nice job. Shaq is going to be a huge presence for them in there. They know what they want to do. There's no inefficiency on their team, there's no wasted energy."

Poor Sixers trainer Kevin Johnson is probably a bit hoarse today as it is his job to count down the shot clock when it gets below 5 seconds to warn the players on the court. It was a full-time job for Johnson last night as not only did the Sixers shoot poorly when they did take shots, many times they couldn't even get off shots. For the game, they shot 18-for-67 for 26.9 percent.

"I sort of expected this tonight. We didn't have our key guys," Collins said. "Right now, we're just so struggling with any type of offensive identity. As painful as it is to sit through a game like this, you just keep learning more and more about who you have and what you're going to have to do. That's what I'm doing right now."

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