Philadelphia 76ers 2010/2011

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 posté par Philly thing : 
When teams play against the 76ers, it seems borderline players become good, good players become unstoppable and opponents are able to quickly right wrongs. Heck, the Princeton offense (remember that ) even looked good last night for the Cleveland Cavaliers as they dumped the Sixers, 101-93, at Quicken Loans Arena.

Bob Cooney

"One of the things we thought was going to be really good for us this year was points off turnovers differential, and tonight we were minus-13 [19-6]," said Collins, whose club fell for the ninth time in 11 games. "That's a killer. This team is very much a precision offensive team. They spread you out, they run the Princeton offense and they move that ball and they've got a lot of tough covers."

"We had a miserable third quarter, 26-16," Collins said. "I look at our coaches all the time asking, 'Who can I try?' And that's a tough thing. I'm still trying to sort through it.

"Their bench has been very good. I think that's the 10th time they have outscored their opponents. Joey Graham [13 points] got started, posted up and then his jump shot started falling. Then Jamario Moon made every shot. They had a couple shots at the end of [shot] clocks when they threw a three up and they went in and then Ryan Hollins went up and hit a hook shot [just before the shot clock expired]. When you give teams easy scores, then it opens up that basket."

"We lose a big weapon when Andre doesn't play," Collins said. "He's a big part of pressuring the ball, and we need to do those things to get out in the open court."

"We just aren't protecting the basket very well right now," said forward Andres Nocioni, who started in place of Andre Iguodala, out with tendinitis in his right Achilles' tendon. "We are not protecting the paint. Right now everyone can drive, so when they start to make layups, others start to feel comfortable about making their shots and then everything comes together. We need to play better in the paint and be able to close out better."

"I think right now everything is going bad," Nocioni said. "I think we need to keep working, think about what we're doing wrong. We have a game [tonight against 2-9 Toronto]. We can fix it."

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