Miami Heat 2010/2011

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 posté par ilyas#3 : 
LeBron meets Fisher at airport

Lakers free-agent point guard Derek Fisher flew to Miami on a private plane Friday night for a meeting with Heat president Pat Riley and team owner Mickey Arison Saturday afternoon.

That was the official itinerary.

When Fisher landed in Miami, a surprise meeting was added to the schedule. LeBron James met Fisher at the airport and gave his own pitch as to why the five-time NBA champion should join forces with James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh in South Florida, according to sources with knowledge of the situation.

It was a short meeting, as James was at the airport and on his way to New York to attend Denver star Carmelo Anthony's wedding Saturday evening.

But James clearly went out of his way to wait for Fisher to arrive and meet with him for a few minutes.

Fisher has stated consistently that his preference was to return to the Lakers, but that he wanted to explore his options.

Negotiations between the Lakers and Fisher remain positive, according to sources close to the discussions. Still, the free-agent negotiating period began July 1, and official signings started taking place Thursday.

During that time Fisher has had multiple conversations with both Lakers general manager Mitch Kupchak and Riley.

Earlier in the week, Lakers star Kobe Bryant expressed support for Fisher, who entered the NBA with him back in 1996.

"We need to have him back, it's as simple as that," Bryant told's Dave McMenamin at his Kobe Bryant Skills Academy on the UC Santa Barbara campus. "It's not a question of if he will be back; it's a matter of when.

"I don't care what [the cost] is. ... They need to work that out and get him back because his significance to our ballclub and to me cannot be understated."

Last week, a source close to the negotiations told ESPN The Magazine's Ric Bucher that the Lakers are confident the point guard will return to the Lakers next season.


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