Boston Celtics 2010/2011

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 posté par Baz : 
Toujours bon de voir les faits pour ce qu'ils sont réellement.
Cette analyse de John Schuhmann permet objectivement de faire le point sur ce qui ne fonctionne pas collectivement depuis le trade.

StatsCube: Celtics’ Offense in a Funk *
* a le cafard
John Schuhmann
March 26, 2011 · 8:51AM

So, since the trade, the Celtics’ defense has basically been performing at the same level as it was before the deal. The numbers are a little skewed by a game in which they held the Bucks to 56 points, but they have held nine of their 16 opponents under a point per possession, and their only bad defensive game since the trade was a 108-103 loss to the Clippers on March 9.
Side note: In contrast, it was the Celtics’ defense that suffered more at the end of last season, allowing 104.3 points per 100 possessions after the All-Star break and 111.8 over their last nine games.
The Celtics’ are grabbing fewer offensive rebounds since the trade, but they’re also getting to the line more often and turning the ball over a little less. So they’re actually getting more shots per possession than they were before the trade. And they’re even shooting their free throws better.
Essentially, the Celtics’ offensive drop-off is completely a result of poor shooting from the field.

Ray Allen, Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce and Rajon Rondo are all shooting worse from the field since the trade, and the Celtics’ offense has suffered as a result. With the Big Four on the floor together, they’re scoring 105.8 points per 100 possessions since the trade (despite a hot start), as opposed to 111.8 before it.
But when the big four aren’t all on the floor is when the Celtics’ offense really struggles, scoring just 94.1 points per 100 possessions since the trade, which is downright dreadful.

You can see why Doc Rivers has gone to an eight-man rotation in a couple of those games.
For a veteran team that was able to flip the switch when the playoffs began last year, it’s easy to theorize that the Celtics’ problems stem from boredom, complacency or a broken ubuntu. And perhaps it’s just a matter of time for the new guys in the rotation to get going.
No matter what the underlying issue is, the shots aren’t falling.

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