New York Knicks 2010/2011

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Knicks get 3 Warriors in sign-and-trade for Lee
July 8, 2010
NY Post

As soon as LeBron James spurned the Knicks, the club moved on and began putting pieces around Amar'e Stoudemire.

According to agent Mark Bartelstein, David Lee's sign-and-trade to Golden State is done as the Knicks netted 6-10 Anthony Randolph, 6-10 center Ronny Turiaf, and small forward Kelunna Azubuike.

It's the start of Plan B as the Knicks look to use their $17 million worth of salary-cap space. Lee signed a six-year, $80 million deal as the Knicks believed they needed to move without him. The club was concerned that after five losing seasons, the team needed a new look up front and have it with Stoudemire.

Sources say Lee was disappointed the Knicks went full bore after Stoudemire and never even made an attempt to talk contract with him.

Randolph is extremely athletic, versatile and a shot-blocker, but had multiple ankle injuries in a shortened season. He was drafted two years ago at No. 14 when the Knicks considered him heavily and nearly traded down. Instead, they stayed at No. 6 and took Danilo Gallinari.

Turiaf is a good defensive backup but also had a shortened season because of knee trouble and dropped out of France's World Championship team.

Azubuike is a bench scorer but doesn't do much else.

Next on the agenda is getting a point guard to work with Stoudemire; Luke Ridnour is tops on the list.

The Knicks also still have interest in sharpshooter Mike Miller but he has interest from four teams, with Miami also trying to fit him in. Miller is friends with James.

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