PO 2011 1st Round : Celtics (3) vs Knicks (6)

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 posté par Nicobocker : 
Petits extraits du chat de Marc Berman du NYPost...

What is the latest on Amar'e?

Amar'e stayed home at his pad in Manhattan. The Knicks sent some of their vast training staff to work on his back strain - that's what a pulled muscle is - all afternoon and all night. They did not want him to commute to Westchester and be in a car two hours. He's supposed to show up to shootaround tomorrow morning to be evaluated. D'Antoni said he still is "optimistic'' but won't play him if he can't help them.

How do you think D'Antoni can get Landry Fields back on track? His rebounding and three point shooting which we saw in the beginning of the season was one of the reasons why we had so much success. I feel as though that would be a great improvement for this series and that if we had the old Landry, we wouldn't need to rely so much on players like Roger Mason and Bill Walker, and Toney Douglas wouldn't feel as much pressure. What are your thoughts on this matter?

Totally agree Landry Fields is such a key tomorrow. It's almost crazy that Walker could go 0 for 11 in Game 2 and D'Antoni still stuck with him because he has lost faith in Landry. He is doing a diary for The Post and was very despondent today in giving his thoughts to our Mark Hale. Yes, he is down. Just seems intimidated by Carmelo. That's my honest belief. He doesn't play loose or energetic like he once did with the old gang. Agreed, D'Antoni has to talk to him more. Knicks were so happy they kept Landry out of trade. Not now.

What do you think about Coach Dantoni choice of reserves used?? Im not a dantoni fan the use of roger mason instead of AC and overusuing jeffries. bill walker didnt have it why not go with shelden williams or even stick shawne williams back in

The Jeffries thing was not a surprise. In fact, Kevin Clark, the fine writer of the WSJ, had a story the day of Game 2 the coaching staff was looking to spotlight Jeffries, noticing the Celtics literally ignore him on the pick and rolls. JJ was 5 of 6 before his horrific decision in the last seconds. Surprised he went with Mason over A Carter since D'Antoni had fallen in love with Carter in recent weeks. That may change tomorrow.

Why can't Jefferies make a lay up and why have him in the game when the Knicks need to score?

Jeffries definitely pulled a Charles Smith but he should have been in game. Turiaf was not in the mix because he told D'Antoni at start of the fourth quarter his knee was aching. D'Antoni said at practice if something happened to Jeffries or if he really was struggling, he would've turned to Shelden Williams. Not exactly the big upgrade. Jeffries actually had the hot hand

I am damn proud of my Knicks' showing Tueday night in Boston. This was a team with one great player, Carmelo, and a group of offcast and third teamers that pushed those hated Celtics to the brink in game two. I don't mean disrespect to Douglass, Carter, Jeffries,Willams or any other of the players on the floor the other night, I thought they played great. The best defensive effort I have seen in the last 5years. They played with heart and pride and those Knicks know they can beat the Celtics, that is the first time in a while any knicks could say that. GO KNICKs.....

Boston fans - who hate everything about New York - left the arena that night more impressed by the Knicks than their own team. The Celtics should've blown the Knicks out of the building in the second half. They played so hard, they got all the loose balls. They outhustled the Celts, who looked scared. It was a proud moment for D'Antoni despite the loss.

Mac- with the Knicks playing D all of a sudden..who do you credit that to? good coaching or players recognizing that defense needs to be played in order to win in the playoffs?

I know it seems taboo to praise D'Antoni but he did a nice job in Game 2 getting his players to fight like that under those circumstances and play as good a defense as they've played all season. He really did coach his butt off and got the guys playing frenetic basketball and not lose their confidence. It was disappointing to hear fans nitpick at him. When we were told Stoudemire would not return for the second half, I thought they'd lose by 25. Rivers said his team hasn't played well yet. Mike's response today was we didn't let them play well

marc what is the reasoning for Sheldon Williams not playing - is he injured? I feel like he showed some great defensive stregnths in the last few games of the season. He is another big body that I think can provide some defense down the stretch.

If you recall, we were writing a couple of weeks ago it looked like Shelden Williams was the leading candidate to be the starting center for the playoffs. But D'Antoni hinted it would depend on matchups and with Shaq out, D'Antoni felt he's better off with Turiaf and Jeffries. At this stage, with Stoudemire banged up, we may see a little of Shelden tomorrow. Turiaf appears OK but don't think D'Antoni appreciated Turiaf telling him in the fourth quarter his knee wasn't good. D'Antoni seems tired of that act.

How crazy is the Garden going to be tomorrow night? The Knicks did a great job keeping the Boston crowd out of the both games with their strong play.
That first half of Game 1, with Knicks up 12 at the break, the Boston Garden was silent. But in the final minute of both games, the place was its normal playoff bedlam. That said, MSG is going to be deafening tomorrow night. It's going to be louder than Melo's debut. In fact, D'Antoni said today he hopes the players don't have too much adrenaline because of the charged atmosphere. Can't wait. Maybe Amar'e hobbles out of the tunnel after we've all tweeted he's out.

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