Boston Celtics 2011/2012

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Ainge Argues Semantics, Makes A Point
by Jeff Clark on Jan 6, 2012 6:11 AM EST

Quick hits from Danny Ainge - Boston Celtics Blog - ESPN Boston

"I sat down with Rondo when he got back into town, when the lockout ended, and I just told him the truth of what was going on. And that was it," said Ainge. "I've had conversations since -- I told him exactly what was happening...

"There are stories that come out later that try to dispute what I said [about not trying to trade Rondo at a season-opening] press conference, but I stand by that. I was not trying to trade Rajon Rondo. There's a big difference between trying to acquire a player and trying to trade a player. I know that some people say, 'Oh, that's just semantics.' No it's not. Rondo knows what I was trying to do, and he knows I wasn't shopping him around and trying to trade him, like has been reported. There's a big difference."

First of all, he's absolutely correct that there's a big difference between "shopping" a guy and pursuing an upgrade with your only viable trade chip (Rondo). Of course, without further evidence, you have to either take him at his word or not.

Personally I believe that Danny legitimately does like Rondo a lot and sees a lot of potential greatness in the young All Star. I also believe that Danny has no problem trading anyone to any team and will do so with no tears. The only player I couldn't see traded is Paul Pierce and I think that has more to do with the owners and his age and contract than Danny.

So how long will Rondo remain a Celtic? For as long as he's a better option than something else Ainge can find. That might mean for 10 years or it might only be 10 more days.

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