Boston Celtics 2011/2012

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Paul Pierce Passes Larry Legend In Celtics Win
by Jeff Clark on Feb 7, 2012 9:50 PM EST

Oh Captain, my Captain. Let us all pause and give the Truth a blogging ovation.


Now, for a quick word from the coach (pregame comments):

Pierce (21,797 points tonight vs the Bobcats) passes Bird on C's scoring list - Boston Celtics Blog - ESPN Boston
"Whenever you pass anybody in Boston, that means you’re old, No. 1," joked Celtics coach Doc Rivers before Tuesday's game. "That’s the only way you can get there. You’ve had to play a long time, because the history of this franchise and the numbers that are amassed. It’s just amazing -- his longevity and he’s been relatively injury free... and he’s been so consistent throughout his career. "Passing Larry Bird in anything is pretty impressive."

Here here. Well said (with his trademark humor).

Bird registered 21,791 points during his career. Pierce now sits 28th on the NBA’s all-time scoring list (33rd if you include ABA scoring). He will soon leapfrog another former Celtic in Gary Payton (21,813) and is on the heels of San Antonio’s Tim Duncan (22,009) with eyes on the top 25.
Big Three brethren Ray Allen (24th) and Kevin Garnett (19th) are already in that club, as are Celtics legends Robert Parish (23,334 -- 18,245 of which came in Boston) and John Havlicek (26,395). The 34-year-old Pierce likely would need to maintain a high level of play for at least three more seasons beyond this one to have a chance at catching Hondo for the top spot on the Celtics’ all-time list.

In case anyone missed it this offseason, here's my personal tribute to Paul Pierce. Love that guy.

As far as some other notes from the game: Rondo got 10 points, 14 assists, and no turnovers. That's impressive. Garnett got 22, Ray got 17, Bass chipped in with 13. All in all a pretty typical night against a team like the Bobcats. So the story of the night was and is Paul Pierce.

Take a bow Captain.

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