Boston Celtics 2011/2012

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 posté par Baz : 
Encore un peu tôt pour parler draft, mais c'est toujours intéressant à rapporter...

Austin Rivers would play for Celtics March 30, 2012, 6:36 PM ET

Austin Rivers, the son of Boston Celtics coach Doc Rivers who declared for the NBA draft this week after finishing his freshman season at Duke, says he'd love to play for Boston.

"If that was to happen, I would love to," Rivers said Friday morning on WEEI's "Dennis & Callahan." "I would love to play for any organization in the NBA. That's my dream. It would be great. It would be different. It would be an interesting aspect just to play for my dad."

Rivers, 19, said he never has been coached by his father at any level, and that if he were to be drafted by the Celtics, he'd want to be treated like any other player.

"If I'm messing up, I want him to be hard on me. If I'm doing good, I want him to pat me on the back. That's the way he coaches," Rivers said during the radio interview. "However he coaches (Rajon) Rondo or Kevin Garnett or Avery Bradley or any other player on that team, I want him to coach me. I don't want anything handed to me. I never have my whole life. I would have to mature and accept that responsibility. That's one of the things you look forward to when you decide to go pro."

Rivers, who averaged 15.4 points per game in his one season for Duke and was the Atlantic Coast Conference Rookie of the Year, is expected to be a first-round pick. The Blue Devils lost to Lehigh in their opening game of the NCAA tournament.

Rivers said he hopes to eventually finish his degree at Duke by taking summer classes.

Doc Rivers said Wednesday that he is OK with his son's decision to go pro. He said that Austin was recruited as a "one-and-done" player by Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski.

Rivers said he won't pressure general manager Danny Ainge to draft his son, and said he recognized that the Celtics have to do what's best for the team.

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