New Jersey Nets 2011/2012

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 posté par Ju : 
Défaite à Utah, rien à redire ils nous ont bouffé.

Humphries au-dessus du lot, et encore défensivement il a pris cher.

On reparle de O.J. Mayo par contre, les discussions ne seraient pas totalement rompues :

Grizzlies talking to Nets about O.J. Mayo trade

The Grizzlies are again discussing whether to deal reserve guard O.J. Mayo.
This time, Memphis has explored at least two trade scenarios with the New Jersey Nets over the past couple of weeks, according to two NBA sources.

Yahoo Sports first reported the talks.

The Nets are interested in acquiring Mayo for salary-cap reasons as they try to clear room to make a run at Orlando center Dwight Howard in the offseason. With that in mind, the Nets have offered fourth-year guard Anthony Morrow for Mayo.
Morrow, a 6-5 shooting guard, will earn $4 million this year and is guaranteed for $4 million next season. Mayo is making $5.6 this season — the final year of his rookie contract. He has a $7.4 million qualifying offer for the 2012-13 campaign.

The Griz have not discussed a contract extension with Mayo nor do they plan to before the Jan. 25 deadline.

The Grizzlies’ motivation would be to acquire a bigger, more accurate shooter with an average contract. Morrow, 26, is a career 45-percent shooter from three-point range. He’s shooting 46 percent from beyond the arc this season in 12 games with New Jersey.

The Nets have also offered point guard Jordan Farmar, a draft pick and cash in a separate package for Mayo.
Either deal would save the Grizzlies money.

Farmar has a contract that pays him $4 million this season. He owns a player option at $ $4.25 million for the 2012-13 season.

Neither deal is imminent. But both scenarios are there for the taking if the Grizzlies want to pull the trigger, according to the sources.

This is the third time over the past year that the Griz have entertained offers for Mayo. The organization has most of its money tied up in four players — Mike Conley, Rudy Gay, Zach Randolph and Marc Gasol — and isn’t inclined to pay Mayo a substantial amount.

Mayo apparently doesn’t figure into the Grizzlies’ long-term plans as his role has diminished over the past two seasons, and because of the team’s financial constraints.


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