PO 2012 ECF : Heat (2) vs Celtics (4)

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The End.
by Jeff Clark on Jun 9, 2012 8:14 PM PDT

No regrets. Very proud of this team.

That's it folks. That was the end of the Big 3 era. And the legacy of the era will be 1 Championship and 2 game 7's that killed 2 golden opportunities to make it more. Once in 2010 and then tonight. Still very, very, very proud of these guys. No regrets. Just a shame they couldn't have gotten more.

Briefly, what can you do but tip your hat to the Heat. They were a rolling boulder that just wouldn't be stopped. Huge shots by Bosh, Wade, and LeBron. They deserve to play for the title. With that out of the way, go Thunder.

I guess I should leave the era wrapup for tomorrow and focus on the game right now. Nothing but respect for the way both teams played tonight. The Celtics came out strong with good, solid games from Pierce, Allen, Rondo, and Bass. They even managed to overcome KG's early foul trouble to hold a first half lead. Then it was a barfight - back and forth they went. Neither team letting the other any breathing room. Tied at the end of the 3rd.

Then, well... the worst of all fears. Nothing would fall for Boston and everything went right for Miami. That's all there is to say. One quarter away and they couldn't finish it. I don't know if the gas tank was on empty or if the Heat just were the better team and finally showed it.

But not before the Celtics made it a heck of a series. Three straight wins after getting down 0-2 is huge. They cannot hang their heads over this. Cannot. Just not enough. And that's it. The end.

Thank you Boston Celtics. I'll elaborate more soon, but for now, ...thank you.

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